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Health Warning Symptoms Men Should Never Ignore


Angry Patient Splash Urine on Three Nurses Gossipping on Duty while he Needed Attention

The people of South Africa are constantly faced with different challenges when they visit public health facilities in the country and one of the disheartening experience patients often have is the high level of negligence from the nurses hired to work there.

Some of these nurses are usually rude and equally feel less concern about the well-being of their patients. This has continued unabated despite all the agitation and demands made by citizens to compel our government to do the needful.

Just yesterday, an unimaginable incident took place at Calcot Dlephu Clinic in Tsakane. A patient who was admitted in the hospital was reportedly calling the nurses on duty for over four hours to assist him with his immediate health needs but no one was responding so he stood up met three nurses sitting and gossipping inside the clinic's canteen, he went to the rest room, urinated inside a cup and returned back to the three lazy nurses. He then splash the urine all over the nurses and immediately left in anger.

In a video circulating online, the nurses could be seen scampering for safety after they were poured urine all over their body.

This should serve as a deterrent to those health workers who actually refuse to attend to their patients over unnecessary reasons.

"I was raped and infected with HIV in 2008 and I'm still living a healthy life." NIQITA shares.

Human immunodeficiency system disease, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV /AIDS) is a worldwide chronic disease that has caused death to millions of people since early 1950s. HIV damages the immune system and interferes with the bodies ability to fight infections other diseases.

Over 30 million people live with HIV in South Africa and the number of infections are stil on a rise, especially in teenagers and young adults. Recently a brave lady named Niqita instantly went viral on twitter after sharing her journey of 15 years living with HIV.

She tweeted "Raped and infected with hiv in 2008 today is 2023 and I'm still living like there is no life span for people living with HIV. we can live long and healthy just like those living without the virus. I AM A HIV WARRIOR." she wrote.

Top Twitter Comments :

@Adams replied with a interesting comment "HIV since the beginning of the epidemic and face unique challenges. Your sensitization will help many understand how HIV there is no life span for people living with it." he wrote.

@Suthu also tweeted "Let the messages sink in on people who think that HIV is a death sentence. You are the light and hope to all those who are in the closet with their status." she wrote.

As Trending Celebs SA we truly appreciate strong queens like Miss Niqita, she's really a strong woman and we pray that all people keep fighting against HIV. There's still hope. Be strong and love yourself.

Health Warning Symptoms Men Should Never Ignore


Dizziness can make you feel dazed, become shaky on your feet, or experience the impression that the room is twirling around you. It happens when there isn't sufficient blood arriving at the brain. This may result from an abrupt drop in pulse or parchedness. Dizziness regularly goes with medical conditions like influenza, hypersensitivities, or hypoglycemia. It could likewise show a genuine wellbeing hazard like coronary illness, stroke, or shock.Shortness of breath.

On the off chance that you feel winded in your day schedule, you ought not mess with it. However, issues and indications vary starting with one body then onto the next. Be that as it may, certain signs like shortness of breath and effort should be viewed appropriately. For example on the off chance that you feel windedness just after a light walk, it very well may be an indication of coronary ischemia. This is a circumstance where there is a finished or mostly blockage of an atery that conveys blood to your heart. In the event that you feel any of the indications like pressing factor and snugness in your heart, outrageous windedness and unsteadiness, you ought to counsel a specialist right away.Excessive snoring

In the event that your own snoring is waking you or your significant other around evening time, that could be an indication of obstructive rest apnea. This illness can wake the snorer and intrude on their relaxing. It might prompt issues like daytime weakness and more serious danger of hypertension, sporadic heartbeat, heat assault, and stroke.

Frequent heartburn

Every so often acid reflux happens isn't an emergency. However, anybody having issues in any event double seven days may have a Gerd. Gerd can cause irritation, dying, ulcers of the throat, and may prompt disease and precancerous conditions. Way of life changes ought to lessen the case of indigestion. Keeping away from liquor, handled meats, energized refreshments, and certain different food sources may help. More serious cases should be treated with meds.Erectile dysfunction

Most men would prefer not to talk or consider erectile dysfunction, yet it very well may be an admonition for a genuine illness. In case you're 45-50, and your solitary medical problem is that it doesn't work in the room the manner in which it used to, that a colossal admonition. Erectile dysfunction may flag an absence of blood flow,which show inconvenience and different pieces of the body as well. Like the heart and the cerebrum. In the event that you foster this issue, it's probably going to visit a respiratory failure or stroke in the following 10 years as smoking or family background of coronary illness.Frequent urination

Frequent urination can be an indication of diabetes. It can make you urinate often in light of the fact that your kidneys need to stay at work past 40 hours to dispose of abundance sugar from your circulation system. Prostate broblems can likewise cause continuous urination. Different indications of prostate issues incorporate diminished stream while you're peeing, inconvenience in the pelvic territory, and blood in your pee or semen.


Periodically stoppage is typical. A great many people experience it occasionally, and it frequently turns out to be more normal after age 50. Be that as it may, ongoing clogging can be seriously disturbing. It can lead you to push strain when you're attempting to have a defecation. This expands your opportunity of creating hemorrhoids, which can cause draining and distress around your rectum. An early finding is significant with the goal that you can preclude genuine conditions, like colon malignant growth.

Limpopo Health MEC criticizes workers, See what the Union did to her, Read below;

The Public Servants Association has criticized Dr. Phophi Ramathuba, Limpopo's MEC for health, for how she handles service delivery at health facilities. In a number of videos that have since gone viral, Ramathuba can be seen cursing some nurses and the management of the clinic. The PSA's chair, John Teffo, stated that the union supports providing public health care of a high standard, but that this should not compromise the dignity of workers.

Teffo told TimesLIVE that the MEC "seems to have forgotten the basic leadership principle of 'praising in public and disciplining in private,'" as she plays to the crowd to make it appear as though workers are not working while she is doing so. In support of her actions, Limpopo MEC Phophi Ramathuba states, "We condemn the Limpopo MEC of health's approach of shouting and disrespecting employees in front of patients who will speak rudely with the same employees tomorrow."

If Ramathuba was serious about improving health services, Teffo stated, she should begin by filling vacant positions in the province, particularly at the management level. Nearly all hospitals and clinics face a persistent staffing shortage. She should start by filling vacancies if she wants to improve the delivery of health services in Limpopo because the majority of managers are acting.

 because many of the Citizens have a complaint especially when it comes to public health care that it is not being given as effectively as possible. and that the healthcare workers are not doing their jobs when it comes to ensuring that patients who go to clinics or hospitals are provided with the service that they need and leave satisfied.

And in the recent years, there have been many complaints and many cases of patients being mistreated by healthcare workers and also stating that when they go to healthcare institutions, they do not receive the help they need and the only time they get taken care of is after hours, when they have waited in long, slow moving lines. And this is something the MEC of health in Limpopo noticed when she went to a local clinic.

A video went viral on social media that resulted in many people being impressed and some people being against how she was addressing the senior staff at the clinic. In front of the patients, in the video, it seems like MEC Phophi Ramathuba is shouting at them because she is not impressed by how they are leaving patients in long lines for hours, and some of them are even going on lunch breaks while others sit in their offices.

The MEC was asked about the video that went viral, and she said that she would not apologise because healthcare and service delivery should be taken seriously. When she arrived at the clinic, she saw a number of pregnant patients who had been waiting in line to be helped for hours, some of whom said they had not even eaten.

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